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Dah'Screwe biology is of some interest to the Terran Confederation. Especially humans have an interest in the reproductive and regenerative abilities of the Dah'Screwe. Some of most famous scientists have the utmost respect for some Dah'Screwe scientists who made an incredible effort to make the abilities of their race open for research. This research mainly focuses on the afore mentioned aspects; reproduction and regeneration. What this comes down to is that this race due to the by times hostile environment of the planet they inhabit, they evolved cultivating the ability to reproduce at a very high rate and to heal from wounds caused by this environment incredibly quick.
Some races have shown interest in the last ability. They think that somewhere lies a possibility after altering Dah'Screwe genetic structures to adopt them for their own use to create a sophisticated gen that prolongs life. If this research proves to be useful remains to be seen. It should not be forgotten that these abilities formed after a long evolution. This makes the Screwee a rather young intelligent race.
What is know about this evolution can be found in many encyclopedias galacticae. The extensive material honours Dah'Screwe scientists for their openness and friendly attitude toward strangers. A small introduction however would not conflict with the nature of this document.
For detailed descriptions about the solar system and the reasons for its major impact on the Dah'Screwe homeworld, causing its most important and famous feature, we refer to other sources.
This feature regarded as the most important driving force behind Dah'Screwe intelligence by most scholars is the wind that sweeps the surface of the planet as a massive and destructive force.
The only way to escape from the wind was to live underground as most native species do. Though the conditions were hard, the planet developed as a fertile world and the abundance of food made a large variety of species possible. One of these species, called the Proto-Screw by native biologists, had it in them to become intelligent. As most creatures they lived under- ground or in caves and canyons that can be found everywhere on the planets surface. The wind carved and sculptured the most incredible formations that became shelters for the storms. The Proto-Screw were about 4 feet tall standing up. They learned to stand up to smell the air to know if danger was present. At first they crawled the ground to escape the wind. They grew claws that acted like clamps to hold on to the ground.
The Proto-Screw were among the largest creatures. Their fortune to become cave dwellers which effectively shielded them from the force of the wind, left room for a next stage in evolution. To walk in an upright position.
The Proto-Screw used their claws to dig themselves in and made large under- ground homes. The new Proto-Screw lived in holes and caves and slowly grew bigger. Their intelligence was based on the ability to predict by smell and use airpressure as a sign if danger was ahead. This allowed them to explore and learn new abilities before the wind could harm. They learned to adopt and survive.
Now, the Neo-Screw was born. Their bigger posture and advanced claws made it possible to make tools. The Neo-Screw evolved into a society ofhunter- gatherers. They lived in groups and that might be the reason for the current emphasis they put on family life. Over a period of approximately 500.000 years the Neo-Screw slowly but steadily became the Dah'Screwe.
The Dah'Screwe now stand on average as tall as a human child. It is not un- known for human children to become friends with adult Dah'Screwe thinking that they found friends of their own age. Dah'Screwe adults with their sense of family life do nothing to discourage this error of judgement. Instead, they act like children and relive their own youth.
Their shape is roundish, they have a big torso. They are very well muscled. Their legs are slightly bend, perhaps like a bear standing up. They have clawed feet that are harmless because most Dah'Screwe cut their nails. They are covered with fur in a variety of colours ranging from light to dark brown, and sometimes a mix of these colours. Dah'Screwe like to dress in cus- tom made clothes that enhance their natural fur colour. This is done by strategically placed holes and openings through where the fur can be seen. The arms are very strong and a grown Dah'Screwe male can easily lift a rock twice his weight. Their claws are very evolved and smart tools. They have 4 fingers, each with retractable claw. They can independently operate them. The fingers themselves have 2 phalanxes and the thumbs 3. If the Dah'Screwe would ever have decided in early history to become engineers, they would have posed a threat to any mechanically advancing race.
The Dah'Screwe head is shaped like an earth hedge-hog. (Please consult other sources for details on this earth animal) The snout however is more flat. Their teeth are good for plant eating and have some special characteristics that allow the crunching of insects. Their eyes are usually very dark brown but sometimes yellow and blue can be found. The ears are pointed and are stiff. Proto-Screw showed more flexible ears.
It is not known exactly how many Dah'Screwe have psi abilities, nor has it been researched much. It is suspected however that almost every individual has some sort of psychic connection with his or her family and that some families have a natural sensibility to another. This might be explained by the many relationships or the local equivalent of marriages between them.
The Dah'Scrawa government ia a fairly basic structure. The 'Wetj'Ah` is a group of families. They are represented through in-formerly chosen envoys. They are called the 'Ah`. The Ah keep close relationships with the Ah of other Wetj'Ah or groups of families in the vicinity of their Wetj'Ah.
Every other moon (4.375 Earth months) about 5 Ah come together in an informal meeting to discuss the problems at hand. There they decide the resources available for each Wetj'Ah. This is done by an independent researcher of another cluster of Wetj'Ah that borders the ones coming together in the meeting.
If the resources are divided properly and to satisfaction of the Ah, one of the Ah travels to another cluster to become the researcher there. These researchers are called 'Ha'Wetj'Ah'. A cluster of Wetj'Ah is called 'Metj'. A Ha'Wetj'Ah or researcher can also act as intermediary or judge in small conflicts. When the issue is important and affects the Wetj'Ah or groups of families, 5 Ha'Wetj'Ah are appointed as a council to straighten things out.
As soon as a researcher or Ha'Wetj'Ah proves to be a fair person and continues to be after joining in a council, he may become a 'Metj', a cluster of groups of families leader. A Metj leader called a Metj'Am is a traveler in every Metj but his own. When he meets another Metj, they discuss the events of the last moon. They decide the new strategy of the entire region of the planet.
This structure may have prevented the Dah'Screwe to become an important race. But they are happy with it and the system works. That never seizes to amaze the visiting out worlders. Especially Elarien and to a degree the Mogensen have great difficulty understanding this society.
The humans that inhabit 'Sclah'Dawetj' which is the Dah'Screwe name for their homeworld, live in bunkers as protection from the wind.
The Dah'Screwe are regarded a quiet race by both the Terran Confederation and the Union of Independent Worlds.
As part of the Union of Independent Worlds they live a withdrawn life on a small planet with some remarkable features. One of these features might be the reason for their modest appearance in space. See the evolution section for more information.
They are one of the first to become members of the Union as they realized after the attack on a Rahn colony by the Elarien that they were equally vulnerable to aggression. They were anxious to get the protection of some of the more powerful races in their vicinity. It is mainly due to their diplomatic attitude that many of the independent worlds grew closer and overcame their initial distrust. After their appearance around the diplomatic table, they sticked to their own planet to live their peaceful existence.
As mentioned before, the meteriological situation is unique among the known worlds. Though the purpose of this source is to inform, more detailed descriptions can be found elsewhere. However, it would no go beyond the limits of this source to illuminate at least a small portion of the Dah'Scewe homeworld.
The winds of Dah'Scrawa are well known throughout the galaxy. The researchers of a theory called "Chaos Theory" have set up a research station to enhance their investigations in this field of science. They find the wind to be one of the most unpredictable conditions in the known universe though some of the leading scientists regard the Elarien Sea Ant as more inconceivable.
The wind has an impact on all life forms on and under it's surface. Due to air heating up in areas and the fact that this air rises, cooler air fills the void beneath the warmer air. This can happen in a extreme fast way that could be called violent, as some Dah'Screwe poets have described. The warmer air cools quickly in the higher layers and is pushed aside by the warming air rising after filling the void. Windforces (WF, standardised units as used by most races) of 95 have been measured. As we this source is pri- mainly read by Humans, this would be the equivalent of windforce 45.238. (Standard WF units divided by 2.1) From orbit, the planet appears as a green blue-ish deeply carved planet. Closer to the surface a polished look appears. The inhabitants of the planet live in underground complexes. Some buildings are on the surface but these are either human buildings, research facilities or elevator structures or other menas of going below to the surface. Larger cities exist but can only be found in deep canyons.
The biosphere features some interesting flora and fauna. The most famous is the "Ara'an'Ara Dervorin Werdo'Sah", a plant/tree mixture. It's seeds can measure up to 10 meters long by 5.5 meters wide. Both flora and fauna have adapted nicely to the winds. If they don't have extensive root systems, fast reproductive skills, regenerative skills, special ways of reproduction, or any other survival skills and strategies, they all share one common characteristic: an overall tough- ness few outworldish species possess.
As can be imagined, the Dah'Screwe have many words for 'wind'. It is still not entirely understood how many exactly but the human presence suggests at least some 320 catalogued words. This inability to research this using even the most sophisticated computers is because the Dah'Screwe tend to invent a new word under conditions that impressed them.
The Dah'Screwe language is based around complete thought patterns. They use a written language made of symbols that express complete expressive units. For example, there are specific units for movement, motion, motion within movement, movement within motion. With that in mind, "I am going with a ship to a planet" would mean expressing motion (going to the shipyard), motion within movement (ability to move around in the ship while it moves) and motion and movement. (arriving on the planet's surface while the planet moves through space. It is obviously almost impossible to explain the complexity and diversity of the language. These thought units can be so complex that one symbol make take years for non Dah'Screwe to understand. The ever available wind influenced Dah'Srawa's language to a large extent. Hearing a Dah'Screwe speak in his native tongue, according to many, resembles listening to the wind trough trees and caves.
A famous saying reveals this aspect of the atmospheric conditions on their language and complete ways of living for that matter. "As long as I claw the earth, the wind will not carry me away. But if the wind carries me away, I will hold the earth in my claws."
As said above, there are many many words for wind. Here is a short list of some:
Nan'An - Wind
Nan'An'Ah - Wind accross the ground, slowly and
smoothly blowing
Nan'Ah'An - Wind over a hilltop
Nan'Ara An - Wind over a hilltop, slowely and smoothly blowing
Nan'Q'An Ra'An - Wind through a canyon, warm and mild
Nan'Q'Arh haran Naharra - Killing wind, boulder carrier and tree devastator
Though the rate of birth can be regarded as high, the planets population keeps in balance. The Metj'Am are seen as the regulating force behind that. Only when the wind blows in its season, reproductive rate gets higher. And according to biologists, only in times of pressure, stress causes the rate to go up. Therefore, the Dah'Screwe have no desire to start many colonies. They like to settle on other inhabited worlds when they are welcome. There is a large population of Dah'Screwe on human Earth.
Some say the reproductive skills could become a thread if a situation occurred where the Dah'Screwe would seek to conquer other worlds. This however is very unlikely. The Dah'Screwe are an advanced and very intelligent race and are by nature non violent. Making a Dah'Screwe angry is hard to do. Some emotions they simply do not understand; the thought patterns are too simplistic for them to comprehend. As many aspects there are to the wind, as many sides are there to emotions. Standing before a Dah'Screwe shouting at him in anger could make for an amusing sight. The Dah'Screwe would blink a lot, scrape his clawed feet across the floor as their way of raising shoulders and after a while walk away in total confusion about the inability for this race to express themselves with more preciseness!
The development of Dah'Screwe science has also been quite different from other alien races and more details on this development can be read here.
Dah'Screwe Science |
Dah'Screwe Ships |
Dah'Screwe Recipes |